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How to configure SMTP for your WordPress site and Recommended Plugin

What is SMTP?

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol mainly used for sending, relaying and receiving email messages over the internet. It facilitates the reliable transmission of email messages between servers, ensuring the mails are delivered securely and efficient across the internet.

How does it work?

In the SMTP model, after composing an email message and clicking “Send”, the sender’s email client (example Outlook or Gmail) connects to the SMTP server designated for outgoing mail, usually provided by the user’s email service provider. As soon as a connection is established, the email client identifies itself to SMTP server and verifies permission to send mail. The client submits the email message to the server for delivery.

The SMTP server determines the recipient’s domain from the email address and communicates with the Domain Name System (DNS) to find the Mail Exchange (MX) server responsible for handling incoming mail for that domain. The server then tries to deliver the message to the recipient’s MX server, however, if the recipient’s server is unavailable or rejects the message, the SMTP server may queue the message for later delivery or generate a bounce-back message to sender, notifying an unsuccessful delivery. Once the recipient’s server accepts the message, it is stored in the recipient’s mailbox where it is accessed via their email client.

WordPress SMTP

In WordPress, SMTP is set up by connecting your email account and a mailer using a plugin. SMTP will provide safe keeping and better security than the default Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) mailfunction. By configuring SMTP, it allows you bypass the default PHP thereby reducing the risk of emails being flagged as spam, provides tracking and enhances security during email transmission.

SMTP allows users the ability to customise the “From” email address and sender name which facilitates branding, consistency and increases trust of recipients. Moreover, SMTP offers tracking and analytics features which provide information email delivery, open rates, and other data.


To configure a WordPress SMTP, you will need to install a plugin that allows you to configure SMTP settings. Plugins will assist in integrating their WordPress site with a mail server to relay and send messages.
The best recommended plugin is FluentSMTP. FluentSMTP is the best FREE SMPT WordPress plugin with extensive compatibility. It allows the user the ability to integrate with over 10 popular mailing services such as Gmail API. It is also compatible with all SMTP servers and has a debugging tool and logging feature that helps track deliverability. It provides users with daily email statistics using graphs and charts via the WordPress dashboard. Although it has its own limitation such as lacking a notification system, it is still the best free plugin available with others having paid plans starting from $25.

To configure SMPT for your WordPress site, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install a Plugin: Recommended plugin is FluentSMTP
  2. Activate the Plugin: Go to your dashboard, navigate to “Plugins”, click on “Add New”,
    search for “FluentSMTP”, Click “install” and then “activate” the plugin.
  3. Once the plugin is activated, go to “Settings”, then to “FluentSMTP”,
  4. Provide the server with details such as Host, Port, Username, Password etc
  5. Click “Save”
  6. Test your email configuration by sending a test email. Enter test email address and click
    “Send Test Email”.
  7. Troubleshoot any problems by checking server logs, plugin settings, and contacting email service provider when necessary.
Emmanuel Ofuru
Emmanuel Ofuru

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